Aussie-made partnership for Aussie Hearts – bitesize Group Shows Some Heart!


Heartbeat of Football’s #MakeitRed national awareness campaign to raise awareness and funds for heart disease, cardiac arrest & research. bitesize Coffee Treats is excited to announce an innovative partnership with Heartbeat of Football Foundation – allowing clubs and families to more easily support the campaign and their own club’s fundraising efforts.


“We are so excited by the partnership with Jeremy and the whole Bite Size Group team who had Heart Health Checks and CPR & AED confidence sessions with us last year so they are all “Rescue-Ready”
– Andy Paschalidis, Founder & CEO of Heartbeat of Football Foundation


We have followed Andy’s and the Heartbeat of Football Foundation journey for many years and were able to connect in person at Panania Diggers Soccer Club last year where we saw what they do each weekend. It is truly life-saving and so we wanted to help! We are so pleased to be able to join forces to make a difference for Aussie Hearts as we do supporting Aussie kids via the bitesize Kids Appeal where we distribute a percentage of proceeds made from each ‘FUN’raising box to various charity organisations that help children and their families.


This initiative is truly a WIN-WIN-WIN for clubs, families and our respective organisations but most importantly for Aussie Hearts. With funds raised via #MakeitRed, Heartbeat of Football will be able to do more Awareness, Education, Preventative Testing and Research to tackle the No.1 killer of all Aussies – cardiovascular disease and cardiac arrest.

The #MakeitRed 2025 campaign will launch in early February and run through to 11-May and bitesize ‘FUN’raising Bites will make it quicker & easier to support this meaningful cause.

For more information visit MakeitRed!

#MinutesMatter #ShowSomeHeart #MakeitRed